Join the Belgian World Music Network - 17/05/2019
Are you working for a collective, production house, concert venue, festival or other type of organisation with an interest in world music? Than the Belgian World Music Network might be your thing! You can connect with key actors from the Belgian world music, exchange expertise and defend the interests of the sector together. Interested? Join the network at the annual World Music Meeting on May 23.
The annual sector meeting will start with the 1st General Assembly of the Belgian World Music Network asbl/vzw (BWMN). This G.A. is open to all organisations willing to become an official member of the network. Read more about how to join the network.
The plenary session will be followed by several infosessions, workshops and debates about the assets of and challenges for world music.
10.30: Welcome
11.00: Plenary session: 1st General Assembly of the Belgian World Music Network vzw/asbl
12.30: lunch (€ 5 pp)
13.30: Infosessions (open)
- – Copyrights and world music
- – Digital distribution and promotion of world music
- – How can artists unite to defend their interests?
- – Promotion of Belgian world music artists
14.30: Break
15.00: Panels
- – World music and decolonisation
- – Promoting Brussels as a world music city
16.00: Network Drink
Participation is free, please register here before the 19th of May.
Organised by the Belgian World Music Network & Kunstenpunt, with the support of Espace Magh, Sabam For Culture, Conseil de la Musique, de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles as part of the Cultuur-Culture programme.
Belgian World Music Night @ Ancienne Belgique 10th of June
On June 19 the BWMN organises a concert evening showcasing several groups from the Belgian world music scene. Read more about this Belgian World Music Night op 10/06 in de Ancienne Belgique.