Al-Karavan sets foot at Le Senghor - 07/08/2019
The project Al-Karavan is a series of nomadic musical encounters, paying tribute to the first generation of Moroccan migrants in Belgium. On September 20 and 21 the musicians set foot at Le Senghor in Etterbeek. Featuring a.o. Les Fatmas de Belgica, Laïla Amezian & Les Sheikhs Shikhats and Remork & Karkaba.
Al-Karavan travels between Brussels and Ghent. From January till June 2019 a first series of encounters took place, bringing together four musical genres. On one hand, the amateur choir Les Fatmas de Belgica and the classical Boho Strings’ Quartet. On the other hand, the eight singers from Les Sheiks Shiktas and a couple of musicians from the Belgian jazz and world music scene. The result is a festive double bill which pays tribute to the first generation of Moroccan migrants in Belgium.
After previous concerts at De Centrale in Ghent, Al-Karavan set foot at Le Senghor in Etterbeek on September 20 and 21. MetX was also part of the program:
Friday 20 September
- – 20h30 Les Fatmas de Belgica & Boho Strings’ Quartet
- – 22h00 MetX Jam Supreme with Laurent Blondiau & Michel Massot
Saturday 21 September
- – 18h30 Remork & Karkaba
- – 20h30 Laïla Amezian & Les Sheikhs Shikhats
- – 22h00 DJ Bushra
Visit the site of Le Senghor for more info and the full program.
Al-Karavan is a project by HalfmOon asbl & Krianza vzw in partnership with De Centrale, Le Senghor, Amarant vzw, UPA and MetX. With the support of Cultureel Samenwerkingsakkoord – Accord de Coopération Culturelle Communauté Française & Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles-Promotion de Bruxelles, the Brussels Capital Region-Image of Brussels, COCOF and Darna.