StaycationBXL with Karkaba - 07/07/2020
This summer we’ve strengthened Karkaba, our training program around gnawa music. In addition to biweekly rehearsals at MetX, we also organised workshops on location as part of StaycationBXL. There was a series for women in collaboration with Buurthuis Anneessens and one for young people in collaboration with We Love BXL.
Karkaba is a group of young musicians from Brussels, mainly from Morocco. Mâalem (music master) Driss Filali and Mohamed Saïd Akasri teach them traditional gnawa music, dance and singing. Rehearsals have been quiet since mid-March, but we found some enthusiastic partners in several Brussels neighbourhoods for the restart this summer.
Merhaba! Everyone with a passion for traditional gnawa music, dance and singing is welcome.
- 1) Rehearsals @ Nieuwland (as from 18h30)
Wednesday 8 July
Wednesday 22 July
Wednesday 5 August
Wednesday 19 August
- 2) Workshops LADIES @ Buurthuis Anneessens (14-16h)
Every Thursday in July and August
- 3) Workshops YOUNGSTERS @ We Love BXL
July: Every Monday (15-17h) CLOSED WORKSHOPS
August: Every Monday (15-17u) OPEN WORKSHOPS
With the support of the VGC as part of StaycationBXL