Zinneke Parade – Loops - 09/02/2020

The Zinneke Parade celebrates its 20th anniversary! For this festive edition Fanfakids, created during the 1st parade in 2000, together with Sysmitos, Ledebirds, Urban Center Brussel, Elastik vzw, WijkAntenne de Quartier (WAQ) and Maison de Quartier 6 Heyvaert (MQ6) form the Zinnode “Loops”.
For this year’s edition, Zinneke inspires the participants with the theme Wolves. Veronica Campos and Fanfakids are part of a Zinnode called Loops. Loops are musical cycles, repetitions of rhythmic sentences. You also find them in nature or in the repetitive actions of machines. What really matters, is which loops you want to repeat and which cycles you want to breach?
Below you will find the agenda of workshops and other activities. You can also follow the progress via the Facebook page “Loops”
- January start of the individual repetitions of FanfaKids, Ledebirds, Urban Center Brussel & Sysmito.
- 02/02 Collective rehearsal for Karnaval Ledeberg (Ghent)
- 16/02 Collective rehearsal for Karnaval Ledeberg (@ MetX, Brussels)
- 20/02 Presentation moment Zinnodes
- 07/03 Collective performance at Karnaval Ledeberg (Ghent)
- 6-10/4 Repetition during Fanfakids stage (@ Vormingscentrum Destelheide)
- 19/04 Collective rehearsal (@ MetX, Brussels)
- 26/04 Collective rehearsal (@ MetX, Brussels)
- 01/05 Dress rehearsal
- 02/05 Soumonce (@ Les Marolles, Brussels)
- 15/05 Joyeuse Entrée
- 16/05 Zinneke Parade (@ Brussels centre)
Like each Zinnode, Loops bundles different skills: Fanfakids, Sysmitos and Ledebirds start from sound, Urban Center Brussel from movement and Elastik from crafting metal and design. The community centres in the Heyvaertwijk organise moments for the youngsters to get to know each other and discover the various disciplines. In the run-up to the parade, all participants shed their own skins and merge into one big crowd.
Artistic team
Veronica Campos, Lennert Vandenbroeck, Guillaume Codutti, Greg Delannay, Emiliano Della Giovanna, Nele Vanheel, Brigitt Van de Wouwer
Practical questions about this Zinnode? More info about the Zinneke Parade? Contact Camille Pier.