
Remork & Karkaba featuring Koninklijke Harmonie Gullegem - 18/04/2019

Remork & Karkaba featuring Koninklijke Harmonie Gullegem

Have you ever heard a harmonic orchestra play gnawa jazz? On the 19th of May, the Royal Harmony Sint-Cecilia Gullegem and our gnawa brassband Remork & Karkaba played a joint performance during the world music festival Kokopelli. An unseen exchange between lively musical traditions from Belgium and Morocco!

In May, lovers of world music can visit the Kokopelli festival in Gullegem. For the edition of 2019, the artistic coordinators of Remork & Karkaba, Luc Mishalle, Mohamed Saïd Akasri and Driss Filali, shared their gnawa jazz repertoire with the local St Cecilia Harmony. The orchestra musicians studied some of their songs together with the horn section players and gnawas. With a concert on the main stage of Kokopelli festival as the icing on the cake!


Repertoire Remork & Karkaba goes global

Earlier in 2019, Luc Mishalle and some gnawas formed an occasional ensemble with brass band musicians from Scotland. Together with the Edinburgh street band Oi Musica they played some songs from Remork & Karkaba during the Thrill jazz festival

Following a trusted recipe at MetX, our musicians are always happy to clash and fuse their metropolitan artistic baggage with that of local musicians and repertoires. A tradition that hopefully can lead to many other collaborations and new interpretations!

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